The Maryland Statewide Prevention and Reduction Collaborative (SPARC) is a statewide quality improvement project engaging public health and academia to address the evolving needs of Maryland hospitals related to infection prevention and antibiotic stewardship. The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) works closely with the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to coordinate SPARC while leveraging the expertise of NORC at the University of Chicago as its implementation contractor.
SPARC has established a peer-to-peer learning model that has resulted in knowledge sharing and meaningful improvements among acute care hospitals in Maryland. Through webinars and other engagement activities, SPARC has used this learning model to support Maryland hospitals in addressing a range of topics including:
This has resulted in meaningful results. SPARC’s initiative on the prevention and reduction of CDI contributed to a reduction in CDI of 45% among 12 participating hospitals and a reduction in the Maryland Standardized Infection Ratio from 0.92 to 0.61. An assessment of the COVID-19-focused activities found that SPARC was an important source of information for hospitals managing dynamic COVID-19 guidance and policies.
In 2024, SPARC identified and addressed hospital needs related to antibiotic stewardship and infection prevention-related topics through webinars, office hours, and on-site activities. Read more about SPARC’s accomplishments in 2024 in the Year in Review.
SPARC utilizes qualitative interviews, pre- and post-assessments administered online, and focus groups to identify hospital needs and elicit feedback about the collaborative’s impact. SPARC is continuing its critical work to bolster antibiotic stewardship, support hospitals in their infection prevention practices, and confront emerging infectious diseases. Current SPARC activities include: